MACD 5.bin
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* mem.s version 8.1 - © Copyright 1990 Jaba Development
* Author : Jan van den Baard
* Assembler : Devpac vesion 2.14
* Memory allocation/freeing routines that prevent memory fragmentizing when
* a lot of small allocations/deallocations are made.
incdir 'sys:devpac_inc/'
include 'mymacros.i'
include 'tool.i'
include 'exec/exec_lib.i'
xdef InitMemoryChain
xdef AllocItem
xdef FreeItem
xdef FreeMemoryChain
move.l a0,a1 ; chain to a1
lea.l mc_Blocks(a1),a0
NEWLIST a0 ; initialize block list
lea.l mc_Items(a1),a0
NEWLIST a0 ; initialize item list
LONGALLIGN d0 ; allign the block size
move.l d0,mc_BlockSize(a1) ; put it in the structure
FreeBlock: movem.l a2-a3/a5-a6,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2 ; chain to a2
move.l a1,a3 ; block to a3
lea.l mc_Items(a2),a5
move.l il_First(a5),a5 ; first item in a5
FBLoop: tst.l mit_Next(a5) ; is there a next item ?
beq.s FBDone ; no.. done
cmp.l mit_Block(a5),a3 ; item in the block ?
bne.s FBNotSame ; no.. get next item
move.l a5,a1
REMOVE ; remove item from the list
lea.l mc_Items(a2),a5
move.l il_First(a5),a5
bra.s FBLoop ; start from the begin
FBNotSame: move.l mit_Next(a5),a5
bra.s FBLoop ; try the next item
FBDone: move.l a3,a1
REMOVE ; remove block from the list
move.l (_SysBase).w,a6
move.l a3,a1
move.l mc_BlockSize(a2),d0
add.l #mb_SIZEOF,d0
libcall FreeMem ; free the block's memory
movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3/a5-a6
AllocBlock: movem.l d2/a2-a3/a5-a6,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2 ; chain to a2
move.l d0,d2 ; reqs to d2
move.l d2,d1
move.l mc_BlockSize(a2),d0
add.l #mb_SIZEOF,d0
move.l (_SysBase).w,a6
libcall AllocMem ; allocate the memory
move.l d0,a3 ; put it in a3
beq.s ABNoMem
move.l d2,mb_Requirements(a3) ; set block reqs
clr.l mb_BytesUsed(a3) ; clear bytes used counter
lea.l mc_Blocks(a2),a0
move.l a3,a1
ADDHEAD ; add block in the list
move.l a3,a5
add.l #mb_SIZEOF,a5 ; get first item in a5
move.l a3,mit_Block(a5) ; set it's block
move.l mc_BlockSize(a2),mit_Size(a5) ; set it's size
lea.l mc_Items(a2),a0
move.l a5,a1
ADDHEAD ; add item in the list
move.l a3,d0 ; return the block
ABEnd: movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2-a3/a5-a6
ABNoMem: cldat d0 ; alloc failed.. return 0
bra.s ABEnd
OptimizeBlock: link a6,#-il_SIZEOF ; create stack space
movem.l d2/a2-a6,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2 ; chain to a2
move.l a1,a3 ; block to a3
lea.l -il_SIZEOF(a6),a0
NEWLIST a0 ; init buffer list
lea.l mc_Items(a2),a4
move.l il_First(a4),a4 ; first item to a4
OBLoop1: tst.l mit_Next(a4) ; is there a next item ?
beq.s OBDone1 ; no.. done
cmp.l mit_Block(a4),a3 ; item in the block ?
bne.s OBNotSame1 ; no.. skip it
move.l a4,a1
REMOVE ; remove item
lea.l -il_SIZEOF(a6),a0
move.l a4,a1
ADDTAIL ; put item in buffer list
lea.l mc_Items(a2),a4
move.l il_First(a4),a4
bra.s OBLoop1 ; start from the begin
OBNotSame1: move.l mit_Next(a4),a4
bra.s OBLoop1 ; try the next item
OBDone1: lea.l -il_SIZEOF(a6),a0
move.l il_First(a0),a4 ; first buffer item in a4
OBLoop2: tst.l mit_Next(a4) ; is there a next item ?
beq.s OBDone2 ; no.. done
move.l a4,d2
add.l mit_Size(a4),d2 ; addres behind item to d2
move.l a4,a5
OBLoop3: tst.l mit_Next(a5) ; is there a next item ?
beq.s OBDone3 ; no.. done
cmp.l d2,a5 ; d2 is a5 ?
bne.s OBNotSame2 ; no.. skip it
move.l mit_Size(a5),d0
add.l d0,mit_Size(a4) ; join a4 with a5
add.l d0,d2
move.l a5,a1
REMOVE ; remove a5 from the list
lea.l -il_SIZEOF(a6),a0
move.l il_First(a0),a5
bra.s OBLoop3 ; start from the begin
OBNotSame2: move.l mit_Next(a5),a5
bra.s OBLoop3 ; try the next item
OBDone3: move.l mit_Next(a4),a4
bra.s OBLoop2 ; try the next item
OBDone2: lea.l -il_SIZEOF(a6),a0
REMHEAD ; remove item from the buffer
tst.l d0 ; is it 0 ?
beq.s NoMore ; yes.. all done
move.l d0,a1
lea.l mc_Items(a2),a0
ADDHEAD ; add it to the list
bra.s OBDone2
NoMore: movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2-a6
unlk a6
OptimizeChain: movem.l a2-a3,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2 ; chain to a2
lea.l mc_Blocks(a2),a3
move.l bl_First(a3),a3 ; first block in a2
OCLoop: tst.l mb_Next(a3) ; is there a next block ?
beq.s OCDone ; no.. done
move.l a2,a0
move.l a3,a1
bsr OptimizeBlock ; optimize it
move.l mb_Next(a3),a3 ; next patient please..
bra.s OCLoop
OCDone: movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3
FindSpace: movem.l d2-d3/a2-a3,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2 ; chain to a2
move.l d0,d2 ; size to d2
move.l d1,d3 ; reqs to d3
lea.l mc_Items(a2),a3
move.l il_First(a3),a3 ; first item to a3
FSLoop: tst.l mit_Next(a3) ; is there a next item ?
beq.s FSDone ; no.. done
move.l mit_Block(a3),a0
cmp.l mb_Requirements(a0),d3 ; requirements OK ?
bne.s FSNotSame ; no.. skip it
cmp.l mit_Size(a3),d2 ; size OK ?
bhi.s FSNotSame ; no.. skip it
move.l a3,d0 ; return the item
bra.s FSEnd
FSNotSame: move.l mit_Next(a3),a3
bra.s FSLoop ; try the next item
FSDone: cldat d0 ; no item found
FSEnd: movem.l (sp)+,d2-d3/a2-a3
AllocItem: movem.l d2-d4/a2-a5,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2 ; chain to a2
move.l d0,d2 ; size to d2
move.l d1,d3 ; reqs to d3
bclr.l #16,d3 ; clear MEMF_CLEAR bit
bclr.l #17,d3 ; clear MEMF_LARGEST bit
cmp.l #mit_SIZEOF,d2 ; size > mit_SIZEOF ?
bhi.s ASOK ; yes.. ok
move.l #mit_SIZEOF,d2 ; else make it that big
ASOK: LONGALLIGN d2 ; allign the size
cmp.l mc_BlockSize(a2),d2
bhi.s NoMem
move.l d3,d1
move.l d2,d0
move.l a2,a0
bsr FindSpace ; find a suitable item
move.l d0,a4 ; put it in a4
bne.s HaveSpace ; found one..
move.l d3,d0
move.l a2,a0
bsr AllocBlock ; allocate a block
move.l d0,a4 ; put it in a4
beq NoMem ; no more memory (wheeee)
add.l #mb_SIZEOF,a4 ; get first item
HaveSpace: move.l mit_Block(a4),a3 ; get block in a3
cmp.l mit_Size(a4),d2 ; size equals item size ?
beq.s NoSplit ; yes.. don't split it
move.l mit_Size(a4),d4
sub.l d2,d4
cmp.l #mit_SIZEOF,d4 ; size left < mit_SIZEOF ?
bcs.s NoSplit ; yes.. don't split it
move.l a4,a5
add.l d2,a5 ; new item in a5
move.l d4,mit_Size(a5) ; set new item size
move.l a3,mit_Block(a5) ; set new item block
lea.l mc_Items(a2),a0
move.l a5,a1
ADDHEAD ; add it in the list
NoSplit: move.l a4,a1
REMOVE ; remove it from the list
move.l a4,a0
move.l d2,d0
bsr ClearAlloc ; clear memory
add.l d2,mb_BytesUsed(a3) ; increase bytes used counter
move.l a4,d0 ; return the pointer
AIEnd: movem.l (sp)+,d2-d4/a2-a5
NoMem: cldat d0 ; no memory.. return 0
bra.s AIEnd
FreeItem: movem.l d2/a2-a4,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2 ; chain to a2
move.l a1,a3 ; memptr to a3
move.l d0,d2 ; size to d2
cmp.l #mit_SIZEOF,d2 ; size > mit_SIZEOF ?
bhi.s FSOK ; yes.. ok
move.l #mit_SIZEOF,d2 ; else make it that big
FSOK: LONGALLIGN d2 ; allign the size
bsr FindBlock ; find it's block
move.l d0,a4 ; and put it in a4
beq FRDone ; block 0.. don't free
move.l a4,mit_Block(a3) ; set item block
move.l d2,mit_Size(a3) ; set item size
sub.l d2,mb_BytesUsed(a4) ; decrease bytes used count
move.l a3,a1
lea.l mc_Items(a2),a0
ADDHEAD ; add item in the list
tst.l mb_BytesUsed(a4)
bne.s FROpt ; block not free
move.l mit_Block(a3),a1
move.l a2,a0
bsr FreeBlock ; free the block
FROpt: move.l a2,a0
bsr OptimizeChain ; optimize the chain
FRDone: movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2-a4
FindBlock: move.l a2,-(sp)
lea.l mc_Blocks(a0),a2
move.l bl_First(a2),a2 ; first block to a2
FBBLoop: tst.l mb_Next(a2) ; is there a next block ?
beq.s FBBDone ; no.. done
move.l a2,d0
cmp.l d0,a1 ; memptr < block start ?
bmi.s FBBNotSame ; yes.. skip it
add.l #mb_SIZEOF,d0
add.l mc_BlockSize(a0),d0
cmp.l d0,a1 ; memptr > block end ?
bhi.s FBBNotSame ; yes.. skip it
move.l a2,d0 ; return block
bra.s EndFBB
FBBNotSame: move.l mb_Next(a2),a2
bra.s FBBLoop ; try the next block
FBBDone: cldat d0 ; block not found.. return 0
EndFBB: move.l (sp)+,a2
movem.l a2-a3/a6,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2 ; chain to a2
move.l (_SysBase).w,a6
FMCLoop: lea.l mc_Blocks(a2),a0
REMHEAD ; remove a block
move.l d0,a1 ; put it in a1
beq.s AllDone ; block 0 then done
move.l mc_BlockSize(a2),d0
add.l #mb_SIZEOF,d0
libcall FreeMem ; free it's memory
bra.s FMCLoop
AllDone: move.l mc_BlockSize(a2),d0
move.l a2,a0
bsr InitMemoryChain ; re-initialize the chain
movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3/a6
ClearAlloc: lsr.l #2,d0 ; size / 2
dec.l d0
Loop: clr.l (a0)+ ; clear a long word
dbra d0,Loop